
Reduced-intensity conditioning containing low-dose alemtuzumab before allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: graft-versus-host disease is decreased but T-cell reconstitution is delayed.

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High response rate and manageable toxicity with an intensive, short-term chemotherapy programme for Burkitt’s lymphoma in adults.

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Boosting T cell-mediated immunity to tyrosinase by vaccinia virus-transduced, CD34(+)-derived dendritic cell vaccination: a phase I trial in metastatic melanoma.

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Dendritic cell viability is decreased after phagocytosis of apoptotic tumor cells induced by staurosporine or vaccinia virus infection.

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Clinical protocol. Immunization of patients with malignant melanoma with autologous CD34(+) cell-derived dendritic cells transduced ex vivo with a recombinant replication-deficient vaccinia vector encoding the human tyrosinase gene: a phase I trial.

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